PRINCELY International University




Welcome to Princely!

One of the great benefits of being part of Princely International University is that through your distance learning study, you will be supported by a continuous education expert team that is dedicated to helping working adults, from all ages, in their distance education to meet professional goals.

Partnership Program

As we cater to a wide range of students all over the world to serve their different educational needs, we have established partnerships with leading institutions to help students find the assistance they need to further their education.
Partnership programs are carried out in different manners depending on the country and situation.


Princely International University (PIU) is committed to helping Colleges / Training institutions to meet their Educational plans through high quality Distance Learning affiliation.
This partnership program allows your institution to provide Degree issued from Princely University based on the teachings you are conducting in your country.
Several benefits to you & your students are available, mainly the delivery of an internationally recognized Degree from PIU

An Affiliate must adhere to several criteria of selections. Not all institutions are accepted as Affiliations.

To become an Affiliate click here.


Princely International University (PIU) welcomes you to become a representative. Your role will be to look for students that are interested in joining PIU and help them enroll to their chosen academic program. You will also have to assist them from enrollment to graduation.

A representative must adhere to several criteria of selections. Not all individuals are accepted as Representatives.

To become a representative click here.

Student Guide

. Student Guide

Students can find in this section all the details and guidance related to application and studying procedures.

Student Testimonials

Partnership Program

. College partnership

Deliver your students a Princely Degree by Affiliation.

. Representatives

Become a Princely representative in your Country.

Job Opportunity

We have several opportunities in our Academic and Managerial divisions.

Download Area

. Application Form

. Student Guide

Financial Assistance
Q & A